Federal Workers Organize Bottom-Up to Tell Musk Hands Off!
Federal workers are the canary in the coal mine for all workers. Elon Musk’s goal is to bring down conditions for everyone. Solidarity is the answer, take action February 19!
Federal workers are the canary in the coal mine for all workers. Elon Musk’s goal is to bring down conditions for everyone. Solidarity is the answer, take action February 19!
The Uncommitted Movement has been accused of being co-opted by the Democratic Party. In reality, it was taken over by anti-war grassroots activists who were able to make inroads with hundreds of thousands of voters.
Labor’s recent advances vindicate the hope that rank-and-file movements can transform sleepy unions into sharp tools against the billionaire class.
The strike was a big step forward for our union, as workers stepped up to take leadership roles. Amazon workers around the country got to see their coworkers — people just like them — rise up.
All the tactics and tricks of electoral work won’t help DSA build a real base for socialist politics if millions of people can’t easily see us. That’s why in New York, we should talk seriously about using fusion voting and general elections to boost our visibility.
A democratic DSA needs a culture where everyone believes they can help build the organization even if individual votes don’t go their way.
The status quo sucks! The voters that the labor movement should be seeking to influence are looking for candidates who are disruptors. Troublemakers. Working-class voters want a candidate who will put a thumb in the eye of the establishment, like Bernie Sanders.
While most of the country moved to the right, Portland DSA’s two endorsed candidates won spots on the city council. Portland B&R members Hayley and Dave share lessons and strategies from the winning campaigns.
The 2024 election was lost in the last four — or even fifty — years, not in the last four months. Now it’s again time for the left and labor to rethink, shift strategy, and set to work making Tuesday the right’s Pyrrhic victory.
Companies increasingly rely on complex networks with larger inventories for distributing goods. Sophisticated algorithms manage workers time. To maximize workers’ leverage, we need to understand the pressure points in the changing system.