Kicking the Cops Out in Seattle
Rank-and-file organizing got the Seattle Police Officers Guild expelled from the local labor council.
Rank-and-file organizing got the Seattle Police Officers Guild expelled from the local labor council.
The fight for union democracy is an essential part of the socialist movement. That’s why DSA members in the UAW should support a new effort to reform the union.
The Rank-and-File Strategy includes a ton of different ways for DSA members to get involved with rebuilding a labor movement that knows how to fight. It’s all about getting connected to workers in motion.
DSA’s labor work should prioritize developing and empowering a growing layer of rank-and-file workers to fight the bosses and transform our unions into militant and democratic vehicles for class struggle and organizing the unorganized.
The rank-and-file strategy is the most realistic approach to organizing the unorganized. Only transformed unions have the resources to do it on the scale we need.
For decades there’s been a disconnect between the organized Left and the working class. Those connections can be remade if we organize alongside those most willing and able to fight back.
Rank-and-file educators, not union officials, should decide who teachers unions support in 2020.
The workplace is still the best place to build class struggle. Socialists need to go where the action is.
Workers have changed the world before, and, thanks to the 2018 teacher strike wave, it looks like they’re beginning to do it again.