Organizing to Tax the Rich in California
Soak the rich! California DSA and YDSA chapters are working with unions and other partners to win “Proposition 15″ and transfer money from corporations to schools.
Soak the rich! California DSA and YDSA chapters are working with unions and other partners to win “Proposition 15″ and transfer money from corporations to schools.
DSA faces many challenges in the coming years, so it’s time we take stock of our organization to make sure it’s prepared for the future.
YDSA’s 2020 convention was a big success and passed an important rank-and-file organizing pipeline proposal by a large majority.
Austin DSA is painting Texas a different shade of red.
Anthony Downing, Ashley Payne, J.P. Kaderbek, K.T. Liberato, Laura Gabby, and Rebecca Garelli are running for the Democratic Socialist Labor Commission. Here’s what they stand for.
In the three years since its rebirth, DSA has put down firm foundations. Now new questions and new opportunities lie ahead.
Bread & Roses members debate the pros and cons of changing DSA’s national leadership structure.
Building an effective national organization that creates opportunities for members to help shape decisions is critical. We need to do that responsibly, and without setting impossible-to-meet standards for our national staff.
Political education should help us explain democratic socialist politics. And it should be informed by our concrete work — and help us figure out how that work fits into a bigger strategy.
Delegates to the 2019 DSA National Convention will need to decide which resolutions and amendments to support. Here are seven rules of thumb to keep in mind as that process begins.