Introduction graphic

Introducing Bread & Roses

We are excited to announce the formation of a new national DSA caucus: Bread & Roses. We’re a group of Marxist organizers committed to helping build an effective DSA rooted in the multiracial working class.


Setbacks and New Beginnings

Setbacks are a part of life and politics. Unfortunately, DSA Spring Caucus didn’t work out and has been dissolved. In this open letter we explain what happened — and why we’re looking forward to moving on and continuing the work of building a space for Marxist organizers in DSA.


What The New Republic Got Wrong About DSA

The New Republic published an attack on several DSA chapters this week — and refused to include interviews with numerous leaders of color in DSA who contradicted their one-sided and deeply flawed narrative. Those leaders respond here, and build the case for a politics based on solidarity.


Building Momentum

The Call is a publication founded to advance the political outlook first articulated by the Momentum slate at the 2017 DSA National Convention. We’re reprinting the platform here.


Welcome to The Call!

We are launching The Call — a name we’re proud to borrow from one of the largest left-wing dailies in the Debsian Socialist Party — to start to offer our answers to the challenges and opportunities facing DSA.
